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AtSite Can’t Upload Data

AtSite Can’t Upload Data

AtSite logs and stores your data in your device’s memory till it is sent to WebEye. Any data not sent is shown in “Records Unsent” on the logging screen. AtSite can store millions of records in your device. However, any Unsent Records data stored in the device is not in WebEye and won’t appear on reports. If the device is lost or damaged then the data will be lost.

We strongly recommend you check the device regularly to ensure it is actually sending data. “Records Unsent” will show this – there should be very few, maybe a few hundred at most Records Unsent for WiFi uploading devices.

Again; at start of shift when WiFi or 3G/4G is available, the Records Unsent should be 0.

How Do I Know I Have This Problem?

Records Unsent shown on the logging screen will increase day by day till it is huge. It can be thousands or many more.

What Is Normal?

In normal use with WiFi uploading, we would expect maybe 500 to 800 Records Unsent at most per day. Then they will clear when WiFi or phone 3G/4G is available.

What Are The Normal Steps To Fix This?

  • Check that the Internet is available via WiFi -or- your 3G/4G phone is working,
  • You should be able to Login to WebEye. If you get Authentication Error or Error-403 – at least it is talking to WebEye and the internet is working,
  • If you can’t connect to the internet then you must fix this before proceeding,
  • Try updating your version of AtSite. It is possible this has been fixed,
  • If you can connect to the internet but records are not being sent, see below.

Details – What Causes Unsent Records?

Broken Database – this is rare. We have seen it a few times in 3 years. Normally AtSite will handle this so you won’t be bothered by it. If the corruption was significant, the Records Unsent count will increase. You can login to AtSite just fine, you can logout, you can do everything except send your data.

Try updaing your AtSite version. Particularly Android. We have seen a few cases where Android can have a corrupted data record stopping all others from uploading. We update AtSite for this as soon as we find it.

If the new version of AtSite doesn’t fix the issue, the only solution is to send your logger to Elite-ID for repair. If we are able to determine what the problem is, we update AtSite for it.

** do not delete AtSite app. This will delete your data (but will fix the problem).

How does it happen? Android or Apple iOS has crashed for some reason, or the device has gone flat at a critical moment, and broken some of your data.

Offline Login – this is not a fault or a problem. The internet has not been available for the user to login, they have used this mode, and data is stored in the device. Soon, hopefully, the user can login normally and data will be uploaded.

The best solution is to login normally then watch the Records Unsent reduce. This may mean fixing a WiFi, setting a password properly, getting a SIM card fixed or renewing a contract for your SIM card.

A temporary solution may be to use another phone as a HotSpot to allow your loggers to upload data. We do this with a late model Android Phone in hotspot mode, and that lets an iPOD upload connect and data. It works well.

Data plan expired. If you are using a phone with a data plan, if it expires it causes EXACTLY this problem.

No WiFi – if you are using WiFi to upload data (no SIM card or an iPOD) then data will be stored in the device till you are in range of WiFi. When in range it will sends your data for you. This is not a problem.

Broken WiFi – We have seen users using Offline Login for months because their internet has been down. This is concerning. If the device is lost, the data is lost. If AtSite credit expires, it can’t be updated in the device till it logs into WebEye in the internet again.

Malware and Management Apps – We have seen just a few Android devices with huge numbers of Unsent Record. All have been running an MDM, a device management system. One had a malware type of game that took over the system. We do not know if either of these caused the problem, but a new version of AtSite fixed the broken data issue.

Wrong Date Zones – We have seen one client with a date zone that made the year to be 2650. This was with an iPod. The data all had that date on it and there was nothing we could do to restore the data.






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