Events Center Setup
Events Center Setup
This article relates to options in WebEye in “Manage Centers”, then select a center with “View” then at the bottom below all the locations, “List Center Events” – go there.
Here WebEye controls what Events AtSite users for this center can create.
- If they are not Enabled here, then AtSite users can’t select them.
- If email recipients are added to an Event, then emails will be triggered when the event is created.
That is all that’s required to setup the site and AtSite users for the site – enable selected events, assign recipient email addresses to events you want to trigger an email.
This section lets you tailor what Events your AtSite users can create. Since there are many possible Events that can be created and not all are applicable to every user – this tailoring makes AtSite use easier and more applicable to its users.
Quick Setup
Here is a quick setup guide to all event features. Below are more complete descriptions.
There are 2 ways to setup events for a center.
- Select each Event you want AtSite users to be able to use by clicking on Enable. You can Update then load any Recipient email addresses.
- You can copy all the Event configurations from another Center (and you can tailor them also). Do this by clicking on the “Copy Events From Center” button at the top.
The radio buttons for each event do what they say;
“Enable” when selected means this event will be available to AtSite users for this Center.
“Disable” means AtSite users can’t use this Event. It is not shown as an option.
“Recipients” when there is a number in the column, it shows how many email addresses will be sent the event when it is created in AtSite. Recipient email addresses come from “Manage Recipients” in the WebEye home page.
Note. After changing the Events for a center, they won’t become active to the AtSite users till they log in for that center. At login time all configurations are downloaded to the user devices.