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Insight – High Risk Time Compliance

Insight – High Risk Time Compliance

This is an Elite-ID initiative. It shows compliance at high risk times, hence indicating risk at these times.

Background. The compliance calculation gives the percentage of time that staff attend within their target time. Usually that is for the full day, for example from 9am till 5:30pm.

For example, if staff are never late in attending a locaiton, then their comliance will be 100%. But, if they are late, even once, then this percentage will lower.

How Is It Relevant? The more compliant your staff are, meaning the better they meet their target the less slip and trip should happen as a result of areas being more regularly attended. Also any litigation and payout costs should be reduced because you are showing diligence, not negligence.

Compliance percent is the best measure of risk. If a slip and trip happens and staff were compliant, then the resultant litigation and possible payouts should be lessened. However, if staff are not compliant then the chance of a slip and trip injury increases and the payout may be much higher.

Why Does a Lower Percent Indicate More Risk? Because lower percents mean staff did not attend regularly. If there is any hazard, like a water spill or a chip on the floor etc – then it will remain on the floor longer if staff attend less often. Longer on the floor means more chance of an injury.

High Risk Time Compliance

This targets one segment of time when more people are in a centre, it is congested, and the chance of hazards needing to be attended by staff is greatest.

This is the “High Risk Time.”

The High Risk Time Compliance “HRTC” – shows the time compliance for just this segment of time, and normally this will be freom 11am till 2pm – but it can be difference from centre to centre.

How Can It Be Used?

  • Make staff aware this is a key time for performance & slip and trip care,
  • Check rosters and ensure there is enough labour,
  • Schedule meal breaks such that other staff are still available in these high demand time.

By ensuring that your staff meet target in these times, you are having a greater impact on reducing risk than at other times.

For example, being compliant at 9am is far less important than being compliant during the lunchtime rush.

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