Elite-ID Blog
When Smaller Is Bigger
It’s All Matter of Perspective
Nature is full of examples where smaller is better, and in fact, there are plenty of ways that smaller can have distinct advantages.
For Elite-ID, we do only one thing; Attendance Verification systems. This means our focus is total and our expertise is not spread out and diluted by other things, or our time and attention diverted from our core business.
Small also means our overheads are low which keeps our prices down. The introduction of AtSite at around one fifth the operating cost of it’s nearest competitor in 2015 sent a shock wave through the industry. Then, in 2018 in a direct comparison to another provider, our reporting system was shown to be better and a cost comparison of almost sixteen to one (in our advantage of course) meant our system was again preferred.
Finding The Hidden Costs
Amusingly, we get asked time and again what are the other hidden costs. There aren’t any.
To install a system you just need to purchase beacons, AtSite subscriptions and postage. That’s it if you self install. If you want Elite-ID to setup your beacons before shipping so you merely need to affix them to locations, we do that for free also.
So, Where is The Elite-ID System Installed?
We are also often asked something along the lines of, “Well, what sites do Elite-ID have equipment at?” Strangely enough, that can be a difficult question as often we just supply equipment then clients self-install, so we may not know without looking at WebEye.
However we understand why this question is asked. It is sensible. This is a valid question for a business looking to invest money, time and effort into any system. A business installing a system as important as attendance verification must ensure they are choosing a system and provider that solves their problems.
The answer is… “Probably a large percentage of the major shopping centers in Australia and many in New Zealand,” can be hard to believe. But it is a fact. We suggest they call us, name a few local centers and we can usually name multiple nearby sites that are using Elite-ID systems.
We can understand this question as we don’t advertise and make a big fuss about winning sites or clients. We’ve let our systems speak for themselves and focused on customer requirements, research and development and staying ahead.
Competitors Are Interesting!
It is amusing to hear our competitors say how big they are then mention a few small shopping centers using their gear.
For Elite-ID it is easier to name the few centers that are not using our systems as there are a lot less of them.
For example, most Westfield shopping centers have Elite-ID systems. Now add GPT, JLL, QIC, Stockland, Vicinity – and a host of others.
Now for cleaning and security contractor companies using Elite-ID, the list is just as impressive – all the big and so many smaller companies; Millennium, Airlite, Glad, Quad, Pickwick, AIO, Broadlex, Crown, Dexus, ISS, Borg, MSS, SecureCorp, OCS, Statewide Quality, McConaghy Retail, Solutions Property Services, AOC, Springmount, Trident, and the list goes on.
How Can This Be? Elite-ID is not a huge company!
It is simple, the perceptions are wrong and usually fed by competitors.
Our Wand Systems developed in 1998 are still in use because they are maintainable, work well and still do what is required. Our AtSite system using Beacons is simple to install, cheap to maintain and gives all the benefits of Attendance Verification in such a low cost package.
But most of all it is our reporting and database system Nexus-WebEye that has ensured that Elite-ID is the market leader. Nexus-WebEye gives clients analytic reports that let them derive benefit from knowledge. From simple presentation reports like Location Attendance to the powerful and flexible Location analysis report, Nexus-WebEye covers all their needs.
Underpinning this is that Elite-ID is the most cost effective solution.
When Great Equipment Can Be a Problem
The fact is that Elite-ID products have a long life. Products sold in 1999 are still in use in 2018 and with thousands and thousands having been sold, our equipment has spread through much of Australia.
How is this a problem? The problem for Elite-ID is that our sales reduce as equipment does not need to be regularly replaced. With some care by its users and simple maintenance, the Classic Wand systems have proven to have a huge operational life, often more than a decade. What smartphone can claim that?
This is of course a significant benefit to businesses as their initial investment is protected. Additionally, Elite-ID as designers and manufacturers update equipment sent for repair so that clients’ inventories are kept up to date. Software in Classic Wands, construction techniques, batteries, are all updated as part of a normal repair.
Logging Into The Future
This is a recurrent theme for Elite-ID. What is coming out next year? In five years? How are our clients going to be best served?
In answer to the above, there are emerging technologies that have been tried to determine their suitability. Indoor GPS, cell tower triangulation and location lookup, inertial tracking, camera facial recognition. Yes, we know about all of these and they all have some benefits and usually significant problems. We cherry-pick from the best of available technology.
So, What Is Elite-ID Bringing out Next
We actually revealed that once before, years ago, and were called by a particularly rude and cheeky competitor and asked for more information. Then later, they bad-mouthed us to a client. They have since faded into obscurity.
Our belief is that looking at competitors and trying to out-do them with features and benefits is a foolish losing game. We’ve proven that by taking over the market and remaining at the forefront.
Rather we innovate based on client interactions and our understanding of what will bring actual benefit. A classic example of this is the Location Analysis report released in September 2018. This brings instant benefit, savings in staff time analyzing data, and it shows our research and development trends are productive.
Anyway, to answer the question; yes there is always something new being developed.
Our next innovation is scheduled for late 2018 and will bring direct benefit to all users of Elite-ID AtSite and WebEye – from on-the floor users, to supervisors, center managers, marketing and business development and litigation departments.
Coming soon!