Android Update – 25-08-2018
We’ve updated AtSite for Android – V1.4.0
As of 27 July 2019 – Android was updated. All known problems with all known versions of Andreoid were fixed. Events and checklists were implemented.
The following is old information – for reference only.
This (now old) version of AtSite;
Offline Login – this is a welcome addition. If your phone is not connected to the internet, and you have user credit remaining, you can now do an “Offline Login” – just follow the prompts. Data will be stored in the phone till you login normally and the internet is available. Then data will be uploaded. Data will not be lost. Note you must have logged into WebEye at least once so your device knows the user credit available.
Login Crash – some errors from the internet and WebEye would very rarely cause a login crash. AtSite has been updated to handle this better. It is something we can’t cater for till we see it, and as it was rare, it took time to find and fix.
(Fixed) Support For Android – Android 8 is terrible with AtSite. It turns off the App no matter how hard we try to keep it running. This version of AtSite tries harder but we still do not recommend Android 8.
NOTE. November 2018. V1.4.1 adds database integrity checks and fixes issues with not uploading data to WebEye as a result.