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Coverage Report

Coverage Report

The Coverage Report report calculates the amount of time your staff have met your contractual requirements. It cannot be skewed by staff over-achieving at one time to mask poor performance at other times.

The new version of this report also shows the average compliance of a centre making comparisons of multiple centres possible and meaningful. Since this is an excellent measure of performance and can’t be ‘fudged’ this makes comparison much more meaningful.

The measure of performance is percentage of time that your goals were met. For example, if it reports 75% then it means that there was 25% of the time that you did not meet performance goals.

How does this matter? If you have a claim within that 25% of the time, then it means you are out of compliance and hence might be found significantly at fault.

Other information the report produces are;

  • The number of gaps greater than the optimum. This helps you understand what is happening much better. Is your performance dropping because of a few gaps, or is it many gaps?
  • The largest gap greater than the optimum. This is valuable. The larger the gap, the greater the risk that poor performance will lead to a significant issue. For example, a 2 hour gap when you are meant to have only a 20 minute gap means the risk will be much higher.

How Is Coverage Percentage Calculated?

First of all, the calculation uses a time profile. This tells WebEye when to analyze data (example 9am till 5:30pm on Mondays etc). Then it uses an “Optimum Time” for each location. This is the expected maximum time between attendances. Locations can be excluded from the calculation so that you can focus on your core areas.

The calculation then finds when attendances are further apart than the optimum and then counts the number of minutes greater than that maximum. For example, if attendances are required every 20 minutes, but you attend on 30 minutes, then this is 10 minutes of time you are not compliant. The report then accumulates all these numbers of minutes and calculates this as a percentage of the total.

** See also Center Health report (New June 2020) for this measurement method also.

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