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Create New AtSite User Login

Create AtSite User

Use WebEye to create the new User, contact Elite-ID when done so credit can be applied.

These are the steps

  1. Log into WebEye. You must have a Client Administrator account
  2. Go to Manage Users
  3. Click on Create New AtSite User  (or you can use List AtSite Users then use New AtSite User option)
  4. Fill in the details. Names etc. NOTE – only assign the role of Staff Manager to those who can change beacon and locations. We suggest keeping the tightly restricted.
  5. Assign a user name they will login with. Assign a password. Do not use spaces or special characters, users will struggle to deal with entering these. See notes below
  6. On the right hand side, ignore user reports
  7. On the right hand side, select what centers the user will have access to
  8. Click on Create.

Next, contact Elite-ID and request credit for the user. If necessary, inform Elite-ID when the site will become active and credit will be assigned from then (so you can create users early).

If You Make A Mistake

You can always use the “List AtSite Users” option, find the user you made a mistake with, press “Edit” – then do any changes and press “Update” to record them to WebEye.

Losing A Password

We do not store the actual password in WebEye – so we cannot show you what the password is. This is a security feature and is I.T. best practice.

To solve this problem, use the Edit user function, and assign a new password to the AtSite user.

AtSite User name and Password guidelines

Usernames have been created in 2 ways by our clients

  1. Use an incrementing number. For example “User01” and so on for all your users. You should then keep a spreadsheet detailing which centers users are assigned to etc. You can add a job function by, “Clean-01” and you can keep track of them that way.
  2. Name the user for their role and the center they are working at. For example, “C1MandySquare” would be the head cleaner at  a center called Mandy Square (fictional).

The Elite-ID preference is to name users by method-2 above. It is a little easier to understand wwhat users are assigned where.

Passwords should be simple and easy for staff to enter.

You can lock username and password pairs in AtSite so once setup users don’t have to re-enter them. However, you must get it right the first time! Do not enter spaces. These are almost impossible for users to enter.

How Long Does It Take Elite-ID to Update User Login Credits

So long as we are available and have internet access, it can take from minutes to an hour or two.

Please do not hesitate to contact Elite-ID if there is an urgent need, event out of hours on weekends. Your data is important to us.

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