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Location Analysis – Gap Analysis

Gap Analysis Report Benefits

This report analyzes your data and compares it to target times in the time profile you select. Then, using on-screen values for performance percentage, and for the maximum allowable gap between attendancesa, it will mark a location as compliant or non compliant.

This report can then be used with the ‘Exception Only’ tick box to show you, or email you, a list of locations that do not meet your targets.

As a result of the way it calculates its performance percentage, this report is not susceptible to being ‘swamped’ by data at some times, and then not having good data at other times. As a result of this calculation, we believe this report is the best possible indicator of risk associated with staff attendances.

The time between 2 attendances at a location is called the Gap.

The Gap Analysis report compares these gap times between attendances to your target times (in the Profile you select) and any gaps that are greater than your target, the ‘overage time’ is calculated and then accumulated for each location.

For example, if your target is 20 minutes, yet the gap is 30 minutes, then the overage is 10 minutes. This is 10 minutes that your staff were not at the location when they should have been. It is also a time when the “risk” of an incident increases.

Why does the risk increase? If there is a latent hazard then it will remain there for longer. If your contract calls for 20 minute attendances yet you only made it on 30 minutes, you may be in contractual breach.

How Gap Analysis Is Done

The time profile you select has has target return times for every day of the week, along with start and finish times. Data is only analyzed between these start and finish times.

Then, the gaps between attendances is calculated and any overages are accumulated. Finally, the total time you met your attendance target is shown as a percentage of the total time in the time range. So, this means if you get 100% it means you met your target time 100% of the time during the day. If you made 80% then there were overage times, times longer than target that account for 20% of the day.

Clearly, getting closer to 100% is your goal. At 100% you have a perfect score. However, just one gap longer than target, and for every extra one, these will reduce your percentage score.

Compliance Calculation

The on-screen setup for this report lets you set 2 parameters that will cause the location to be non-compliant if performance is not as required. It is up to you.

Max Gap (min) – if there is a gap between attendances longer than the figure you enter, the location will be marked as non-compliant.

Min Perf . (%) – if the percentage for a loction drops below the figure you enter, the location will be non marked as compliant.

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