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Manage Recipients

Manage Recipients

This is a very simple name and email address manager.

For some scheduled reports that are emailed, the Recipients list is used for the email adrdresses.

The reports include, the Location Analysis report, as well as the Event system. Other reports are being updated to add this as an option also.

Click on “New Recipient” to add more people to the email list.

Click on “View” and “Edit” to inspect, change or even delete a recipient.

Why Is It Required?

New reports in WebEye and new facilities such as Events all use Manage Recipients for emailing results.

Some older reports are being upgraded to this option also.

The Recipient List allows one manager to generate reports and send them to many end user email addresses.

Merge From Site Users

Go into Manage Users. Select site Users.

The button “Merge To Recipeints” will copy all the name and email address information into the Recipient List. This makes it quick and easy to setup Recipients if you have a lot of site users.


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