Offline Login
Offline Login When The Internet Is Down
Soon after releasing AtSite we found that the Internet is not always available all the time. This means staff can’t log into AtSite at the start of shift and so data about their attendances is lost.
Clearly this is unacceptable.
We created “Offline Login” so staff can start using AtSite and not wait for the internet. Data will is stored in the device till staff logout then they can Login normally when the internet is available. Data will not be lost. It will be uploaded when staff login normally again.
We strongly recommend staff are instructed to use this mode if the internet is down.
How To Do Offline Login
If the internet is not available, you are asked if you want to do an Offline Login. Answer “Okay” – done!
Records Unsent Will Increase
Since data is being stored in the device, on the logging screen, the “Records Unsent” number will increase day by day. Data not sent can’t be reported on of course.
This is not a problem for most/all devices, short term. AtSite efficiently stores data and should not run out of memory.
However, the real concern is that if the device is lost or damaged, all Records Unsent data will be lost.
We strongly recommend you take steps to connect the device to the internet ASAP. One solution can be to use another phone and put it into Hot Spot mode. We do this ourselves so an iPod can upload data and setup sites.
Credit Expiry
AtSite is a subscription service and its use must be paid for. In offline mode, it remembers when subscriptions expire and will stop working at the expiry date and time.
Therefore, you should ensure your AtSite credits are up to date and have some spare time in them.
Note. Elite-ID cannot help if the internet it not available at the device. This must be fixed (on site usually).