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Risk : It All Works Together

Public Liability and Risk Management

Gaining publc liability insurance, the cost of premiums and then the excess costs places a financial burden on any company. To be able to show that business practices are designed to reduce risk may assist in these issues.

The frequency of Slip and Trip Injury and then the usual litigation and costs makes public liability insurance essential. To gain a contract for cleaning or security, most clients demand proof of public liability insurance.

With nearly 20 years of experience in supplying products and services to retail space cleaning and security, it is clear that the companies who value their data, who make a significant effort to collect data and ensure their staff are diligent in their duties have less slip and trip litigation.

It works like this:

  1. When you can show your staff are performing their duties as per contractual requirements, you will have less risk. Latent hazards will not be able to remain a hazard for extended periods of time.
  2. When a slip and trip does inevitably happen, you will have data to show your diligence.
  3. When your staff see the benefits of this data, it becomes easier to motivate them.
  4. Getting public liability insurance may be easier if you can show you are monitoring and measuring staff performance.

A full risk management system will include many other factors. However, Elite-ID staff logging data and reports are an effective tool that may be used to mitigate risk.

How Can Elite-ID Help?

There are a number of ways that Eilte-ID products and services can assist.

Staff monitoring is a key enabler to making management decisions. The data from our staff tracking systems, then the WebEye reports are all designed to assist management.

Best Practices information is provided in this knowledge base. We have background information for you, and summaries of how some of the best contractors manage their sites:


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