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Wand Hits and AtSite Hits Report

Staff Attendance Analysis

The Wand hits and the AtSite Hits reports shows the number of attendances in a date range by logging device.

Use this report for analysing staff attendances, finding out how many wands were used on any date. This can be very valuable to determine who was using a wand – and which wand. If there are any arguments about wands then this report is helpful.

For example, if your attendances are looking poor, how many wands or AtSites were in use? How many attendances for each device per day? This is easy to answer with these ‘Hits reports.

Using AtSite Hits / Wand Hits

Report setup is similar to all others in WebEye.

Note, the right hand side ‘Hits By Site User And Date’ check box causes each wand or AtSite user to show hits for every day in a date range.

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