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Maps Report

Maps Report

WebEye displays attendance data on a map of a part of a center, or the whole center. The benefit of this is that you can quickly see who was where and when. You can also filter by user or by job function so you can track some staff or what they do.

Running The Report

Go into ‘Maps’ report in the reports main screen;

  • Select the date and time.
  • Select The Center
  • Select the map
  • Enter any user selection and restriction,
  • Press Go

Scheduling a report is done the same as for all other scheduled reports – click on the options on the right hand side. You can select PDF output (suggested) and then the report will be emailed to selected recipients (from the Manage Recipients main screen function).

What Does The Data Mean?

On themap it puts small tiles showing what happened at the location. The information shown, in order;

  • Top line.The name of the location
  • Benath that, the name of ut logger, wand or Atsite user.
  • Beneath that the date of the last atendance for the center
  • Beneath that the time of the attendance.
  • Bottom line, the seconds the staff member was at the location with an ‘s’ after it. This is for Atsite users.
  • Then the number of attendances.
  • Then the time since this attendance and the one before it, in “( and )” brackets.

From this you have a complete snapshot of the center at a date and time. You can see who was where and when, and also some basic metrics.


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