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Putting Wand Data into WebEye
Putting Wand Data Into WebEye
XL-Data wands and Radio wands store 4095 readings internally. Getting data out of them and sending it to the cloud for WebEye is simple and quick.
- Empty your wands into the Unloader.
- Use th PC program XL-Unloader and the Get Data Option.
- Use WebEye Upload to send the data into the Cloud.
Wand Data Extraction
- Make sure the XL-Unloader has a red flashing led. This means it is ready
- Touch the Wand onto the XL Unloader till the Unloader leds alternate
- The XL-Unloader stores 65,534 readings. You can empty many wands into an XL-Unloader
- Run the XL-Unloader program in your PC
- Press the Query button. Use Set Clock if the PC warns you that the clocks are different
- Press Get Data to extract data from the Unloader and store it in the PC
- Press Delete when finished. This erases the memory chips in the unloader
- Use the WebEye_Upload program to send the data from the PC into WebEye in the cloud.
** The internet must be available to the PC for WebEye_Upload to work.
** A copy of your data is kept in the PC.
If Your Unloader is locked Up
You must have a red flashing led to use XL-Unloader. If the leds are permanently stuck on, or the box is screaming, it is locked up.
Please use this article to fix the problem.