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Risk Management Return Time Calculation

Return Time / Loop Time

This is defined as the average number of minutes between attendances in a date and time range.

For example, if there are 10 hours in a time range (600 minutes), and 100 hits in that time range, then the return time is 600/100 = 6 minutes. So, on average, a staff member passes every 6 minutes. As you see, this is a simple average.

This calculation is, in general, a good indicator of performance. In the real world staff perform their duties with an element of randomness applied to a defined regime. The Return Time will indicate their performance. This is also simple to calculate, simple to understand – and it is an industry standard.

We at Elite-ID created this measure of performance.

We strongly suggest that if you are using this measure of performance, then you should ALSO check using the Location Attendance report. This will show additional information,  graphically, that adds an extra level of diligence.

There are 2 Concerns With This Report

Flooding – this happens when many many staff pass “in clumps” together past a location that is being monitored. The return time can look deceptively good. It may show an average of 5 minutes for example, yet there may be gaps of 40 minutes in the day. This leads you to believe performance is better than it is and exposes you to risk that you weren’t aware of.

Gaps – the return time may look good, but (as above) totally unacceptable gaps may be present between some attendances. Staff may not start till late or may finish early, or not be covered during meal breaks, yet the number of attendances during the day results in a deceptively good result.

These are the reasons we suggest you also use other reports to identify any other issues.

There Are Better Alternatives

The Location Attendance report is really simple to use. It graphically shows youir data. The most important thing to look for are gaps in your attendances. These are times when staff are not attending when they should. You can see this at a glance.

The Location Analysis Return Time report has a return time calculation that will trigger a location as being non compliant if there are gaps greater than a figure entered on the screen, or the return time is greater than the target. You will be alerted to the issue. If you select “Exception Only” then you will only see non-compliant locations. This can be emailed.

The Location Analysis Gap Analysis report will calculate the percentage of time you met your return time and trigger a non-compliance if less than a percentage, or any gap greater than a figure you enter happens. Again, this can be emailed and only for the non-compliant locations.

We at Elite-ID created these measures of performance.

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