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Issues Summary

Issue And Problem Summary – Faults, Errors, Resolutions, Links

Can’t Upload data. Internet is working. Happens with old versions of AtSite or a broken AtSite or broken database. More information here.

Credit Expired. Your subscription has run out. Contact your supervisor or Elite-ID. Some information here.

Offline Login. Credit Expired. Careful. Your device remembers your expiry date and time from the last time it logged in to the internet. If the credit is renewed and you have not logged into the internet again as you are using Offline Login, the device will not know credit has been renewed and it will expire. Solution – login normally. Use a phone as a hot spot if necessary.

Invalid Credentials. Wrong company ID, username, password. Check carefully. Contact your supervisor or Elite-ID.

Error 403. More than one person trying to use the same login. More information here.

Host Unreachable. The internet is only partially working or WebEye is down. More information here.

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