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Risk Management Report

The Risk Management Report

In 1999, Elite-ID created a measurement called “Return Time” that averages the number of minutes between attendances. This simple calculation is good for indicting a measure of the diligence with which staff attend locations at your site.

Often contracts for cleaning demand a return time of 20 minutes (or another value). This is the average time between atendances at locations. The idea is to ensure that locations are regularly and diligently patrolled.

The return time calculation is detailed here and is quite simple.

How to Run Risk Management Report

In WebEye Reports screen;

  1. Select the Risk Management Report,
  2. Select the center you want to report on,
  3. Select the date range – a month or other range,
  4. Select the time profile,
  5. Select any job function or user filtering,
  6. Press ‘GO’ and the report will be generated.

Number Of Calls – this is the number of attendances for the date range given. Note – it can be filtered by the filter time in the time profile – see below.

Average Duration – this is the average time in minutes between attendances at each location.

Optimium – This is a simple number. It is set for each location (see manage centers, vie location). It is shown for comparison.

Time Profiles are used for collecting data

This report uses a time profile to select what data is used for the report. This is importaant. For example, it should select data only when your site is fully staffed and open to the public. Often we call this “Core Trade” and is the default time profile.

Additionally, a Filter time can be applied so that multiple staff passing a location at the same time or close together are only counted as one. This can help reduce “bursting” or “flooding” whereby many staff passing at the same time skew the measure of performance.

When To Use This Report

Use this report as a simplified measurement of performance. It is really easy to explain; it is just the number of hits divided into the number of minutes in a date and time range.

A good use for the report is to compare different days or date ranges. You can quickly find differences and trends.

Limitations Of This Report

This report does not take into account gaps between attendances.

For example, you may have a 10 minute average return time, but there may be a gap of an hour when a location was not attended. This is not taken into account.


An alternative report is called Location Analysis and it’s Gap Analysis option provides a more accurate measurement of risk.

Additionally,the Location Analysis Return Time option also allows a maximum gap between attendances to be used to determine if a location is compliant or not.

An article on measuring performance is here. It goes into, in great depth, the value of performance measurement and options that are available in Nexus-WebEye.


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