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API Results System

Nexus-WebEye Download Results API

All the calculated performance results of your staff attendance logging are available for download using an API.

These results include per location per day;

  • Attendance counts – total, in core trade,
  • Return time – the average minutes between attendances for the day,
  • Compliance percentage – the percentage of time the target performance was met,
  • Filter time, Target and Core Trade times used,
  • Day of week, day of year, week of year,
  • Gaps – largest, number greater than target, total minutes greater than target,
  • Meta data – location name, area, level, type, risk type,

This can be downloaded into systems such as Excel or Microsoft Power BI or other management systems. It is quick, convenient and it is comprehensive having all the data that is required to make meaningful reports and analyses.

The end result of this is that Nexus-WebEye users can integrate result data into their own system, buld custom reports, custom management and monitoring systems far more easily than ever before.

How Are The Calculations Done?

Every night all centres with an active API key have their data calculated and stored in a separate database for rapid downloading.

Because results are stored, when the data requested it does not need to be recalculated, so it is fast. Very fast.

All calculations use the Core Trade time profile. The Filter time must be set to “1” or greater.

A good article on Time Profiles is here.

All data is used, this includes “log-out” data which records when a staff member leaves a loction. This in many cases is only a few seconds to a small number of minutes after they enter the location. This is why you must specify a filter time in the Core Trade profile.

Risk Management calculations are done as per the Risk Management Report and return the same values when including the log-out times data. Make sure a filter time is used though!

Coverage Compliance does not use the filter time. It does not need to. We made the decision that the accuracy of this calculation is best when all data is used and a filter time is not used. The reason; only the target time and the gaps between attendances is used in the calculation. The number of staff does not affect this calculation. If more than one staff member attends a location in short duration it does not skew the results.

An article on Compliance Coverage is here. This unitue calculation is the best way to accurately determine how well you are meeting your contractual obligation. It cannot be skewed by excess attendances or over staffing, and it highlights the effects of larg gaps in our attendances. In this way it is a far better indicator of Risk at a location. Here is an article on Risk – and the compliance coverage calculation is the very best means to determine risk.


An Example Of Using The APIs

At Elite-ID we have built a proof of concept system using the Go language, the powerful PostgreSQL database and running on a very low end Linux computer of similar performance to a Raspberry Pi. We built this internally as a proof of concept and an aid to ensruing the API system provides all the data required to build such systems. We call it “PerfEx

PerfEx downloads a list of centres, then all the locations and meta data at those centres using APIs.

PerfEx downloads results of staff attendance calculations using the API.

PerfEx stores this data into a local high performance open source SQL database and reports are run against that database.

Because all the meta data is available at a location, it is easily to build reports showing;

  • performance by level,
  • performance by area,
  • performance by location type,
  • performance by risk type,
  • Performance (of all above) by state,

All this is done outside WebEye and deterimed by the programmer. Also, data can be exported in CSV format with all those values for analysis in Excel

The meta-data about the location are available for location-risk analysis as well as by area, level, and location type. This data is all available and makes advanced customized reporting both possible and fast.


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