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Compliance Coverage

Compliance Coverage

This is an Elite-ID innovation in the analysis and measuring of staff attendance data. Until you measure staff performance, making management decisions cannot be made with any surety.

Compliance Coverage provides a unique insight into your data.

We believe the Coverage Calculation is the most accurate way to measure performance and make it relevant to risk and contractual obligations.

Compliance refers to your performance target, and coverage refers to how often the target is met. The Coverage Calculation is an Elite-ID initiative.

Compliance Coverage is a simple percentage figure. It is the percentage of time that your staff meet your performance target.

For example: If you achieve 100% for the total time of the report then you met all your goals all of the time. You were totally compliant, you were covered. If your performance is 50% then for half the time of the report you were outside your target. A poor Compliance Coverage will indicate staff are not attending regularly enough and there will be increased levels of risk.

Another way to look at the Compliance coverage figure is to consider it a measure of the gaps between attendances. If there is 100% coverage, then the gaps between attendances are all within your requirements. As the coverage percentage reduces, then that means the gaps are getting bigger and the commensurate risk increases.

This is a Copyright (C) Elite-ID calculation method and report. We believe it to be one of, if not the best means of measuring staff performance in a meaningful way.

Gap Analysis is Compliance Coverage

Gap Analysis analyzes the gaps between attendances at a location and from that calculates the coverage percentage. For those attendances that are greater than you specify, it accumulates that excess time and then uses it to calculate the percentage.

For example. If you have a 20 minute target yet you attend at 30 minutes, this will mean a 10 minute “overage” where you didn’t meet requirements. Now, for all attendances in a date range if we collect that time and show it as a percentage of the day – that is how the coverage percentage is calculated.

So, again, the coverage percentage shows the amount of time that staff meet performance goals.

To make this work in the real world where days of the week may have different criteria we use a time profile. A Time Profile provides the times by day of the week when data is analyzed. This can also specify the target performance in the Return Time fields.

The Location Analysis report has an option called Gap Analysis which calculates the Compliance Coverage. On the setup form, the maximum gap between attendances that is allowable as well as the minimum performance percentage allowable can be set. If either of these values are not met by the data, then the location(s) are marked as being non-compliant.

The Gap Analysis report highlights those locations not meeting your target percentage or having an excessive gap. The non-compliant locations can trigger an emailed to recipients so they are advised of only problem areas.

Comparison to Return Time

It is easy to have a great return time yet have a poor compliance coverage. The Return Time hides detail and it hidrs problems. It is only good for a general indication.

The reason is that there may be a lot of staff attendances in clumps, grouped together, and then significant delays between attendances. The coverage report highlights this.


We have seen a return time of 4 minutes, yet the compliance coverage was only 75% and the target return time was 20 minutes. The largest gap was 75 minutes, and there were 6 gaps greater than the target of 20 minutes.

From this it is clear the return time did not show the full picture; there were significant gaps in the attendance at the location and a gap of 75 minutes, when there is a 20 minute return time, must be a significant increased risk indicator.

What would the risk be? Significant in our opinion. If the required return time is 20 minutes then there is a gap between attendances of 75 minutes, that means no one attended the location for 55 minutes after the end of the 20 minute time. If a latent hazard was not cleaned up then an injury is likely.


The Compliance Coverage percentage figure accurately reflects your performance. It cannot be fudged or affected by excess attendances at some times if at other times your performance is poor. As soon as a target is not met, the performance percentage will fall, your “coverage” will reduce.

Example : If you achieve 75% – that means 25% of the time a location was not covered as per your target. If the total time is 8 hours, then for 2 hours your location was out of contractual requirements. That really sounds significant!

Now, from that figure, you can assess risk in a meaningful way that isn’t swamped or hidden by other data. This is a major benefit.

Additionally, the Coverage Report shows you the number of gaps that are greater than your target, and also the longest gap. From this you can assess where attendance at a location is having problems. Is it a lot of small gaps, or is it one long gap that accounts for most of the problem? You can now answer these questions.

Real World Experience

Looking at cleaning data from many of our clients, it is immediately apparent that getting 100% compliance coverage is difficult.

Why? The reason is simple. Every time there is a gap between attendances greater than your target, that reduces your percentage. If a staff member is delayed for any reason, a spill pickup for example, the gap increases and the percentage drops, and there is no way to make this up or improve the performance once a gap has happened.


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